
The Distinctive Feature of (True) Lutheran Doctrine

“The real distinction of Lutheranism, as a practical system of truth, is its declaration and strong emphasis of the doctrine of justification by faith, or the truth that salvation is not something to be wrought out, but a gift freely bestowed on all who will take it from Christ.

Was Jesus Christ a Liar?

“When a minister will just hold up Jesus Christ as a model man there is no power in it; the truth is, when you hold up Jesus Christ as a good man and not as the Son of God, it is all nonsense.

Justification by Faith Must Stand

One of the key teachings of the Bible – Old and New Testaments both – is the Fall, when Adam and Eve disobeyed God. The penalty of that “original sin” was that death entered into the world.

What are the Blue Island Theses?

Christ’s merit is considered in election not merely as obtained for us, but also as apprehended by us – God has elected in view of faith. Have you ever heard of The Blue Island Theses?

Justification by Faith by Emanuel Greenwald

The old battles in the church are here again. Perhaps the most important one is not about spiritual gifts for today, but rather what constitutes salvation. Is it all Jesus Christ?

By grace I'm saved, grace free and boundless

“By grace I’m saved, grace free and boundless; My soul, believe and doubt it not. Why stagger at this word of promise? May you remember today this wonderful gift granted through faith in Jesus Christ.

Do Jewish people need Christ?

Do Jewish people need Christ, or are they already right with God? Or asked another way, how many ways are there to God? One of my favorite hymnals is the Church of England’s Hymns Ancient and Modern - Standard Edition, first published in 1861.

It takes a miracle to believe

In all the branches of my family going back to all the people who are remembered, as far as I know I am the only one who has ever become a Christian.