Was Jesus Christ a Liar?

“When a minister will just hold up Jesus Christ as a model man there is no power in it; the truth is, when you hold up Jesus Christ as a good man and not as the Son of God, it is all nonsense. Jesus Christ was either the Son of God, or he was the biggest rascal that ever walked on earth. When a man claims to be the Son of God, and is not, he is a liar, and a liar is never a good man.

“If you think that Jesus Christ was not the only Savior of the world, and say that He was a good man, I am glad I was not educated in your home; I am glad that my mother and father had better morals; I have never been taught to call a liar a good man. Jesus Christ, I repeat it, was either the Son of God, the King of kings and Lord of lords, or He was one of the greatest impostors that the world has ever seen.

“So you must take either one horn or the other of the dilemma; either acknowledge that Jesus Christ was the only Savior of the world, or put Him down as a character unworthy to be held up before our children, or in our homes. Therefore away with the idea of Christ as an example simply of a good man; it is all nonsense; He was the Son of God; we have the testimony from heaven; we have the testimony from good men, and we have the testimony of the great Apostle Peter as an eyewitness. The real power, therefore, of the ministry must lie in proclaiming, without a single doubt, that Jesus Christ is the only Savior of the world.

From The Eternal Epistle. By Simon Peter Long. “Peter’s Power. 2 Pet. 1:16-21”

Simon Peter Long

Alec Satin
Alec Satin

Your editor is a Bible-believing Christian with no illusions about our darkening age. Keep reading your KJV. If you don’t have one, get a printed copy with good type and read it every day. May God bless you, keep you, and protect you.
