Truth Makes Enemies

You’re not the only Christian who’s found himself or herself the recipient of hatred or scorn. “Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you,” says the Apostle John (1 John 3:13). The servant is not above the Master. Yet it can still shock us when someone whom we thought was a lifelong friend separates from us out of their hatred for Christ.

Martin Luther - often discussed but too seldom read (the sermons are key) - has something to say on this topic. May his words below bring comfort.

Comments are enabled - have you ever been hated for your faith?

God bless you. Keep strong and humble. -Alec

Truth Makes Enemies

“What are we to do about it? This is what happens: When a person speaks the truth and acts on it, he stirs up anger and enmity. Even the heathen have said this. But, after all, this is not the fault of those who tell the truth but of those who do not want to hear the truth.

“Should we not preach the truth at all and, because of such silence, should we simply let all people go to the devil? Who can or will burden himself with that?

“The man who is a pious Christian expects to live forever after this life and to help other people to do the same. But he must also act as a Christian and tell the world where he expects to go, and he must inform the world that it is traveling the broad road to hell and to eternal death. However, if he does this, he has angered the world and has the devil on his neck. Now it cannot be otherwise.

“He who would confess Christ and help the world is bound to draw down upon himself, as St. Peter here says, the enmity of the devil and all who cling to him – as a reward for his service and good work. We must, therefore, remember to have patience if the world bitterly hates our doctrine and life and utterly maligns, slanders, and persecutes us because of them.

– From What Luther Says Compiled by Plass. #1361

Alec Satin
Alec Satin

Your editor is a Bible-believing Christian with no illusions about our darkening age. Keep reading your KJV. If you don’t have one, get a printed copy with good type and read it every day. May God bless you, keep you, and protect you.
