
Praise my soul the King of heaven

As if it weren’t enough to have forgiveness and salvation, God promises to love us to the same degree and in the same measure as his only begotten son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

By grace I'm saved, grace free and boundless

“By grace I’m saved, grace free and boundless; My soul, believe and doubt it not. Why stagger at this word of promise? May you remember today this wonderful gift granted through faith in Jesus Christ.

Rejoice the Lord is king!

Early Methodists were persecuted and lived lives of hardship. Charles Wesley, who with his brother John started the Methodist movement, wanted to encourage his followers. He wanted them to be a singing, joyful people and not get discouraged and lose hope.

For the beauty of the earth

Fol­li­ot S. Pier­point published this hymn in 1864. It’s one of my favorites. Enjoy! Video More hymns here. Lyrics from the 1987 Psalter Hymnal 1 For the beauty of the earth, for the glory of the skies, for the love which from our birth over and around us lies.

God is real

The real God has provided an owner’s manual which explains everything you need to know in a language you can understand. It’s sane and logical. His Book confirms everything we’ve observed about scientific and physical reality.

Now thank we all our God

The author of this hymn, Martin Rinkart, was a Lutheran minister in Saxony during the terrible Thirty Years' War. It’s a testament to faith and gratitude which remain even after unspeakable suffering.

Abide with me

“Abide with me” is a great Anglican hymn written in 1847 by Henry F. Lyte. It is a comfort not only to sailors and those left at home, but to all those who - touched by the trials and difficulties common to this life - reach out to the One who has promised never to leave nor forsake His own.

The Singing Bus Driver - NYC Transit Authority Bus Hero Richard Teel [Video]

Many years have passed since Richard Teel was profiled on The 51st State, a long-forgotten local interest program about New York City. Here’s the story of a real-life, everyday hero. May he be an inspiration to you, too.