
Stricken, smitten and afflicted

This hymn from 1850 is theologically rich and emotionally evocative without being manipulative. Pastors, please add good old worshipful hymns like these to our Sunday worship services. Let’s make the focus less on the music, less on what we’ve done and how we feel about it, and more and more on Him.

For the beauty of the earth

Fol­li­ot S. Pier­point published this hymn in 1864. It’s one of my favorites. Enjoy! Video More hymns here. Lyrics from the 1987 Psalter Hymnal 1 For the beauty of the earth, for the glory of the skies, for the love which from our birth over and around us lies.

Zion stands with hills surrounded

A great Christian hymn which describes the love and protection God offers to His people united by faith in the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Let’s go back a half century to a different time in History, 1960.

I know that my Redeemer lives

We’re all being conditioned to faster tempos and rock-style percussion in our music. Listening to somewhat slower (and more traditional) arrangements allows the lyrics to work in your mind in a different way.

Immortal, Invisible God only Wise

Immortal, invisible God only wise_ was written by W. Chalmers Smith in 1867. In regard to this hymn, Nigel Kot writes: “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise” reminds us of the awe and reverence that we need to have as we worship our God.

Now thank we all our God

The author of this hymn, Martin Rinkart, was a Lutheran minister in Saxony during the terrible Thirty Years' War. It’s a testament to faith and gratitude which remain even after unspeakable suffering.

Soldiers of Christ Arise

Soldiers of Christ Arise is a wonderful hymn written by Charles Wesley and based on Ephesians 6.10-18. It is found in the Lutheran Hymnal as number 450. This is sung by the GYC youth choir.

Abide with me

“Abide with me” is a great Anglican hymn written in 1847 by Henry F. Lyte. It is a comfort not only to sailors and those left at home, but to all those who - touched by the trials and difficulties common to this life - reach out to the One who has promised never to leave nor forsake His own.

Nearer My God To Thee - Titanic (1953)

Sarah Flower Adams was a Shakespearean actress in 19th century England. When failing health kept her from acting, she began to write hymns. Nearer, My God, to Thee is based on the dream of Jacob in Genesis 28.