They will never be interested in theology, until...

It seems to me that we are in far too great a hurry to rush people anyhow, somehow to Christ. We are so anxious to get results. But we are to be governed in our methods as well as in our message by this Word of God…

Ah but, you say, that will not appeal to people today, they are not interested in theology. The answer is that they must become interested in theology if they are to become Christians; they must hear the truth and must believe it.

“Men have never been interested in theology, and never will be, until the Holy Spirit deals with them. So our business is to preach the truth to them, trusting to the Holy Spirit to open their eyes and their understanding, and to apply it to them with power.

– D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Romans: An exposition of Chapters 3.20 - 4.25, Atonement and Justification, 1970. p31. (Passage quoted relates to Romans 3.21-31)

Who was Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones?

“D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899–81), a British evangelical born and brought up within Welsh Calvinistic Methodism, he is most noted for his pastorate and expository preaching career at Westminster Chapel in London.

“In addition to his work at Westminster, he published books and spoke at conferences and, at one point, presided over the Inter-Varsity Fellowship of Students (now known as UCCF). Lloyd-Jones was strongly opposed to the liberal theology that had become a part of many Christian denominations in Wales and England.

“In 1966, he and John Stott became focal points in a controversy that arose at an Evangelical Alliance assembly — Lloyd-Jones called for evangelical clergy to leave compromised denominations and unite together, primarily referring to the Church of England. Stott, an evangelical Anglican, argued for evangelicals to function as salt and light within their respective denominational traditions.

-Taken from theopedia

Alec Satin
Alec Satin

Your editor is a Bible-believing Christian with no illusions about our darkening age. Keep reading your KJV. If you don’t have one, get a printed copy with good type and read it every day. May God bless you, keep you, and protect you.
