
Why Me, Lord? [Kris Kristofferson]

In regard to this song, Dan Snyder writes, “This song saved my life, I was a horrible drunk and drug addict from the age of 15 till I turned 38, and laid on my death bed.

Upbeat Video Message from Prof Tom Meyer: The Bible Memory Man

In this highly encouraging message, this humble Christian teacher presents 1 John in a way you’ve never heard before. There’s much more in this, but I’ll leave those gems for you to discover for yourself.

Reginald Heber and "From Greenland's Icy Mountains" [Hymn]

OF the fifty-nine elegant hymns written by Bishop Heber none are so widely known or so frequently sung as his missionary hymn. In 1819, a royal letter authorized collections to be taken in every church and chapel in England connected with the establishment, in furtherance of the Society for Propagating the Gospel.

Redefining Evangelical Christianity - A Great Message from Pastor Bob DeWaay [Video]

“This video begins with a 2018 update on the appeal we [Rev. Bob DeWaay] had made to Rick Warren to preach Christ. This appeal was obviously rejected because he continues to preach his unbiblical, man-centered message.