Life's Meaning

The courage of the men of Thebias

In the year of Christ 286, a most remarkable affair occurred; a legion of soldiers, consisting of six thousand six hundred and sixty-six men, contained none but Christians. This legion was called the Theban Legion, because the men had been raised in Thebias: they were quartered in the east until the emperor Maximian ordered them to march to Gaul, to assist him against the rebels of Burgundy.

Behaviorism and Social Conditioning

Marketers seek to plant in you feelings of fear, lust, hate. The most effective reinforcements match your own prejudices and anxieties. You won’t even realize that the cues you’re responding to are originating from outside yourself.

Fake tolerance hates

Truly tolerant people understand a fundamental truth: hating people simply because they are different than you is an ugly thing. Table of Contents The acceptable ones The double standard Protected classes create intolerance Scientific shaping of the new Amerika Totalitarian overtones What proponents of the new tolerance demand of Christians The acceptable ones Unfortunately tolerance as a social movement is something very different from live and let live.

Good morning America, how are ya'? (or, Monday Morning Rail) [Video]

“The feeling of freedom evoked by this song about a train is how many people used to feel about America, before this terrible darkness fell. I wonder if we could ever bring it back.

Why I stopped reading tarot cards

Tarot was an important part of my life for almost 20 years. I studied it, wrote about it, performed countless readings, and was considered knowledgeable by experts. Here’s why I stopped.

John David Harrell III, Aug 26, 1957 – June 30, 2008

On Monday night, June 30, 2008, a bright light departed. John was my buddy. He was one of my closest friends, and probably among the best friends of many people who knew him.