School makes stupid

American schools train kids to believe they’re more educated than they really are. They’re taught to defend their feelings as facts and to memorize without comprehension or retention.

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The purpose of education is to prepare you to teach yourself. Educated people can read well, write clearly, and make change from a $5 bill. Truly educated people continue to learn throughout their lives.

A good school reinforces the civilizing behaviors kids learn at home and in church. These include respect for other people, basic etiquette, and the responsibilities inherent in being a citizen of a democratic republic.

The nobility of teaching

A good teacher listens and explains things in clear language that anyone of reasonable intelligence can understand. There are still American teachers who risk everything to educate their students. Such teachers have my complete respect.

Teachers in America do not have the freedom to teach as they would like. They are prisoners to speech codes and Common Core, mandated subject matter and continuing re-education programs. Teachers are bullied by administrators who are as unyielding and repressive as any in the old USSR.

What school actually does

American schools train kids to believe they’re more educated than they really are. They’re taught to defend their feelings as facts and to memorize without comprehension or retention.

Education isn’t about getting a job

If you’re well educated, you should be of much value to an employer. But that’s a side benefit. Young Americans are sold the idea that more and more schooling will guarantee more and more income. That’s no longer a sure thing. Plenty of people with masters and doctorate degrees are barely scraping along. Tuition inflation has left a whole generation with terrible student loan debt. Taking debt on faith is a sucker’s bet.

School makes stupid Still from the movie Idiocracy

Alec Satin
Alec Satin

Your editor is a Bible-believing Christian with no illusions about our darkening age. Keep reading your KJV. If you don’t have one, get a printed copy with good type and read it every day. May God bless you, keep you, and protect you.
