Current Events

Alfred Kinsey and the Children Of Table 34

The theory of childhood sexuality advanced by Alfred Kinsey’s sex researchers has shaped how and when sex education is taught in the United States. It has also influenced the laws against sexual molestation.

How the teaching of American History was changed - and why - Norman Dodd

Did you ever wonder how it came to be that so many Americans know so very little about their own history? Half a century ago certain members of congress became concerned about tax-exempt foundations.

Behaviorism and Social Conditioning

Marketers seek to plant in you feelings of fear, lust, hate. The most effective reinforcements match your own prejudices and anxieties. You won’t even realize that the cues you’re responding to are originating from outside yourself.

School makes stupid

American schools train kids to believe they’re more educated than they really are. They’re taught to defend their feelings as facts and to memorize without comprehension or retention. Table of Contents The nobility of teaching What school actually does Education isn’t about getting a job The purpose of education is to prepare you to teach yourself.

God is real

The real God has provided an owner’s manual which explains everything you need to know in a language you can understand. It’s sane and logical. His Book confirms everything we’ve observed about scientific and physical reality.

Fake tolerance hates

Truly tolerant people understand a fundamental truth: hating people simply because they are different than you is an ugly thing. Table of Contents The acceptable ones The double standard Protected classes create intolerance Scientific shaping of the new Amerika Totalitarian overtones What proponents of the new tolerance demand of Christians The acceptable ones Unfortunately tolerance as a social movement is something very different from live and let live.

It takes a miracle to believe

In all the branches of my family going back to all the people who are remembered, as far as I know I am the only one who has ever become a Christian.

The Singing Bus Driver - NYC Transit Authority Bus Hero Richard Teel [Video]

Many years have passed since Richard Teel was profiled on The 51st State, a long-forgotten local interest program about New York City. Here’s the story of a real-life, everyday hero. May he be an inspiration to you, too.

Mark Driscoll Plagiarism Proof

The fall of a celebrity pastor does tremendous damage. To the world these pastors represent Evangelicals. When they’re shown to be corrupt, non-Christians are confirmed in their beliefs about Christian hypocrisy.

Young women demeaning themselves

It’s a quiet morning at the Target. The long aisles are almost deserted. I’m halfway down the coffee and tea aisle when the sound of a woman cursing into her phone drowns out the Muzak.